Crimson & Crimson is the first expansion in the Crimson & Crimson series, first revealed during the 2022 Pokémon World Championships, and celebrates the return of Pokémon-ex game mechanics, which can appear at any stage of development and boast high HP and powerful attacks and abilities feature.
Inspired by the Tera Crystallization phenomenon from the Pokémon Crimson and Pokémon Crimson video games, the expansion introduces Tera Crystal Pokémon-ex with unique embossed illustrations that highlight their Tera-types. These new cards follow the same rules as Pokémon-ex, but take no damage from attacks while on the bench.
198+ cards / 12 double-rare Pokémon-ex including two Tera Crystal Pokémon-ex (Arcane and Gyarados) /12 ultra-rare Pokémon-ex and eight ultra-rare supporter cards
24 Pokemon - rare, art / 10 Pokemon and Supporter cards - rare, special art / 6 hyper-rare gold-embossed cards including Pokemon-ex, Trainer and Energy cards
Introducing some map design improvements. The yellow borders of the Pokémon TCG cards are now gray to match the cards released in Japan. This will make the Pokémon TCG more consistent around the world and enhance the art on the cards. Also, subcategories for Trainer cards - like Support, Item, and Stadium - appear in the top-left corner for better visibility on hand, while basic Energy cards have another Energy icon in the bottom-right corner for easier tracking during gameplay , and expansion icons are replaced with expansion codes and language codes on all maps.
With the launch of the Crimson & Crimson series, the MSRPs of Pokémon TCG products will increase differently around the world due to global inflation affecting material and production costs. To continue to make the Pokémon TCG experience a positive one, each Pokémon TCG booster pack will contain three guaranteed holographic cards—all cards of Rare rarity or higher will now be holographic. In addition, certain products come with additional content. For example, the Top Trainer Box contains an additional booster pack and a full-screen promo card. (Source: Pokémon News from 12/09/2022)
- 1 booster pack of the Pokemon expansion Scarlet & Violet SV1EN (English) with 10 cards (including 3 holocards), as well as another online code card
- 1 of 2 different Pokemon promo cards (Espathra or Spidops)
- a token coin